Who's really there for you after a break up, or when you're blindly in love and can't catch the red flags? You already know it, your gals! For some women across the world it is far more exciting to celebrate Galentine's day than actual Valentine's days.
As we all know now days relationships are so difficult. It's almost as if unconditionl love becomes more and more foreign to us. We're often not willing to make the sacrifices, compromises, and investment to make it work in romantic relationships. All it takes is a single hurdle to make it all crumble at our feet. We are are social people and now days we believe more in meeting people rather than getting to know them.
Although we all love celebrating the idea of love we have embraced the reality that whether in a relationship, situationship, married, or single true love can always be found in our gals our sisterhood!
Why is sisterhood so important?
1. Women need women
Women need a strong supportive circle of friends to thrive in society to bounce back from any difficulty.
2. Sisterhood provides deep emotional connection
Emotional support means you’re being seen, being heard, being understood. It’s one of the most healing things we can experience, and something we receive from our inner circle.
3. Together is liberating
Imagine the space to speak and share without judgement that is liberating. In sisterhood we're able to to experience our feminine qualities to the fullest.
4. Sisterhood is empowering
Your gals have your back and you have theirs, this allows you to stand in your own power more easily, and become the main character in your own life.
So with this being shared it is so much easier to receive love and embrace love when you have your gals to support you every-step of the way. Your sisterhood is your power. Happy Galentine's Day!